The Million Village Challenge is unifying individuals, churches, denominations, mission agencies and faith-based non- profits for the purpose of bringing salvation and blessing to the least and the lost. This cooperation is erasing territorial boundaries and uniting the church in mission to the extreme poor. The Church, acting in concert as one body, can achieve together what no one of us can achieve alone.
The vision for change in a million villages is a vision for the Church, including faith-based non-profits, mission organizations, and individual missionaries. It describes the magnitude of the task, while lifting our eyes to fields that are white unto harvest. We are uniquely positioned to finish this task, changing the lives of the village poor forever.
The Need
The Workforce
The Strategy
The Book
Establish 10,000 Model Villages
Multiply models into clusters of 10. Reach 100,000 villages
Reach a tipping point. The movement finishes itself